1: ファルコンアロー(庭)@\(^o^)/ 2015/05/26(火) 07:13:09.90 ID:TZaYnFm20.net BE:273822876-PLT(12000) ポイント特典
no titleLion climbs tree to escape herd of buffalo in Kenya as the king of the jungle is left with his tail between his legs

Remarkable pictures have shown a lion making a desperate bid to avoid being trampled by scrambling up a tree
Below him the group of angry buffalo waits as he slowly begins to lose his grip and slide down the tree trunk
But with a terrified snarl, the cowardly lion managed to escape by leaping onto the grass and running to safety

By Corey Charlton for MailOnline

Published: 11:51 GMT, 25 May 2015 | Updated: 13:18 GMT, 25 May 2015
【ケニアのライオン バッファローの群れにビビって木に必死に捕まる】の続きを読む